Jan 11, 2006

Identity Crisis

I have not verified this story. It is the Marxist-feminist who told me. According to her, one of the professors, who is well known, widely respected and considered one of the insiders, as much an old boy as an American can be, offered to give up his extensive collection of Berber art and artifacts to the university. What a prize. He has been collecting these things for years and is an authority of certain aspects of Berber culture. He contacted the university but they didn't respond. He tried again and still no response. Finally, someone from Washington State University was passing through and expressed interest in the collection. The professor agreed and the collection left the next day. The university's motto is "Excellence and Identity." And indeed the university's charter is to encourage this region and establish a sense of both regional and national identity. But then why did they give this up — if they did.

If they did, it tells you something of the way in which is identity is seen here.